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Jeremy Renner Answers The Web's Most Searched Questions

Jeremy Renner visits WIRED to answer his most searched questions from Google. How did his acting career begin? How did he become Hawkeye in the MCU? Is Jeremy Renner a good archer in real life? Is he friends with Elizabeth Olsen? How did Jeremy Renner recover so quickly from his life-threatening accident? Jeremy answers these questions and more on the WIRED Autocomplete Interview. Mayor of Kingstown streams this Sunday exclusively on Paramount+ Director: Justin Wolfson Director of Photography: Constantine Economides Editor: Richard Trammell; Louis Lalire Talent: Jeremy Renner Producer: Justin Wolfson Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi Associate Producer: Brandon White Production Manager: Peter Brunette Talent Booker: Mica Medoff Camera Operator: Christopher Eustache Sound Mixer: Rebecca O'Neill Production Assistant: Kalia Simms Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen Additional Editor: JC Scruggs Assistant Editor: Fynn Lithgow

Released on 07/25/2024


Hi, this is Jeremy Renner

and this is my Wired Auto Complete interview.

[upbeat music]

Oh, internet.

Oh, auto complete.

What do you have more for me on this sheet?

[upbeat music continues]

First board.

What is Jeremy Renner doing these days?

I'm thriving, I'm getting stronger.

I'm happy, I'm healthy, and progressing every day.

And thankful I've had a lot of love and support

and the reason for my health and me thriving

is the support and love from everybody I've got in my life.

And that probably includes a lot of you guys.

Does Jeremy Renner...

Probably not.

Do his own stunts?

Yes, I do.

Proud that I do my own stunts.

Even in season three of Mayor of Kingstown

where I didn't think...

I thought I retired as a stunt guy.

I was able to kind of pull some stuff off

and I'm very happy,

and pretty proud moment this year for me,

from January till now,

to get back in the swing of things, if you will.

Yeah, yeah.

Very proud of that.

What was Jeremy Renner doing when he was injured?

[Jeremy laughing]

Probably not feeling too good.

That's what I was doing.

I wasn't breathing too well.

What I was doing, I was clearing my driveway

'cause we had a massive snow storm,

and I was on a snow cat, which is a big tank-like machine

that moves snow around.

I got caught underneath it on the asphalt,

and that's what I was doing when I got injured.

We were having a good New Year's Day.

Even the skiers resort were closed that day, ironically,

because there's so much snow.

All the ski lifts were buried as well.

How did Jeremy Renner recover so quickly?

Well, recovery is a lifetime.

Recovery is pretty lonely even though you have

a lot of love and support.

I got a ton of it and I'm have so much gratitude

for having all the love and support,

but it still comes down to the individual.

And I think anybody that's in recovery knows

that within that loneliness, there's a clarity of direction

and understanding of my body

and what can I do best for my body.

The body's a miracle.

I think I can be a testament

to how great the body can recover.

And then there's also the other things in life,

but I think it came from the collective energy

of all the goodness in my life,

from the people and even it's well wishes or just thoughts.

If I cross your mind even, like, that's something

that I believe got me better much faster.

Like they told me I wouldn't walk again or I'd walk funny,

and now I'm running and sprinting and doing stunts.

So I got the legion of amazing goodwill of you all really.

I think that's what I did it.



Is Jeremy Renner good at archery?

Yeah, I suppose.

I think I can make archery look good.

That's something you have to practice a lot

and I haven't done that in probably eight years,

but yeah, it's great.


But I can recurve over a compound for sure,

those type of things,

which is kind of cool about what my job is,

is this guy won two gold medals at archery

and he was the guy that trained me.

So cool.

So you get like real quick insights into like the shortcuts

and cheat codes into archery

or to whatever the skill set is.

Then you get a do that for like three or four months

and spend time on it.

It's really great, and I love it, it's a great sport.

Is Jeremy Renner Irish?

German-Irish is my main heritage.

Luck of the Irish.

Yee-haw, here we go.

Is Jeremy Renner's tattoo sleeve real?


Here we go.

See, no sleeves.

That's just for Endgame, wasn't it?

Yeah, Endgame when I shaved the head

and get the sleeves.

That was during the blip I think.

But it was cool looking.

Is Jeremy Renner left-handed?

Yes I am.

Left at most things except cutting scissors

'cause they don't have left-handed scissors

and a few other things I have to do right-handed.

Play guitar right-handed.

But everything else I try to do left-handed.


Jeremy Renner.

Why does Jeremy Renner know sign language?

I have a deaf cousin and...

But that's when I was a kid and I lost all that then.

Then when I had a daughter,

I wanted to teach her sign language

'cause I knew that she'd emotionally grow faster

than her verbal skills could.

And it was also just a fun thing to do as like,

more cookies please dad.

And then I put the things that I taught my daughter

into the Hawkeye series,

and in the Hawkeye series I became partially deaf

and he had to start to learn sign language

and he wasn't great at it, but he started to learn.

How are Jeremy Renner and Jennifer Lawrence related?

I dunno, ask my dad.

What was he doing?

I don't know how we're related.

I think we heard that we're like

distant cousins or something.

She reminds me of a cousin or she's very familial to me.

She fits like right into my family that way, I think.

She's a great gal.

I love her to death.

Is Jeremy Renner coming back as Hawkeye?

I dunno.

Ask my legs, ask Marvel.

Those will determine the ifs and whens

if that will ever happen.

I think there's always an option.

I think my body is not gonna be limited.

It just comes down to sort of a reason why

to come back as Hawkeye.

And is there a real narrative to kind of tell?

We'll see.

Where was Jeremy Renner born and raised?

Modesto, California.

Born in 1971.

That was my geographical point of entry, I think.

When did Jeremy Renner film 'Rennervations'?

The summer before last, I suppose, because...

Yeah, because then the accident happened

and then the show came out.

Rennervations was...

Send off an idea of taking things

that were being wasted by the government,

these government vehicles from firetrucks and city buses.

And in order to get a new fleet,

they still have to dump these vehicles,

but the vehicles are perfectly good machines.

So I decided to repurpose them, reimagine them,

and give back to kids that are in need.

Like I took a tour bus and turned it into a music studio.

Another one they lost their dance studio.

This orphanage lost their dance studio,

so then I took this bus, cut a hole in the side of it,

made this whole stage flop out and this whole proscenium

and also there's...

They get their dance studio back.

So I love it and it's still something I continue to do.

And now I have a foundation.

It's just not limited to vehicles now, but we do help kids

and foster kids and we're all about it.

When did Jeremy Renner start singing?

As a teenager is when I started,

started playing drums in a band called Hot Ice.

[Jeremy laughing]

Oh yeah.

I'm sure my neighbors hated us

and I dunno if we ever played out,

but it kept us outta trouble.

I always encourage any kid to kinda get into music.

It's so good for your brain

and it's also good for your spirit.

It's also, I mean, I use music as a journal, you know,

you don't see a lot of guys doing journal and diary entries

but music was that for me, it's cathartic.

It was a ways to discover things about myself

and singing is the expression of that.

Is Jeremy Renner in a band?

I was when I was 13.

Yeah, 14.

We all know that answer, but right now, no, no.

I did a whole EP about, you know,

things learned in my recovery and to my daughter.

I wrote this love song called Wait For Me.

It's the first words I said to her

after I saw her after the accident.

And I said, If you just wait for me,

all these bones are gonna heal.

So each time I get would physically get better,

I'd see her be less fearful and heal more.

And then music is also, we all know pretty uniting

and healing and emotional.

So there's inspirational songs on it.

There's, you know, heartbreaking ones on it.

But it was all cathartic for me to write

with my friends too as well.

It was important to share that narrative with them.

Some being my brother-in-law

and some very good friends of mine.

So as a solo artist, to put together this collection

of songs about the accident, about the recovery,

and the things learned.

And it's something that's lasting

and I hope it can help other people as well.

What did Jeremy Renner do before acting?

Oh wow.

I was a good student.

I was a decent son.

I was...

What did I do man?

I found acting in college.

I went in, I think as with a computer science major

or criminology.

I mean just different things to trying to figure it out.

And I found acting and then the rest is history.

Just stuck with that.

What was Jeremy Renner's first movie?

National Lampoon's Senior Trip was my first film.

It was my first job ever even on camera.

And I was blessed with the lead role

in a National Lampoon movie.

So it was big enough to be...

To play in my small town.

I was in a role big enough that I didn't have to tell you

what role I was and it was in a movie.

So I got all three goals that I came down to LA

to try to achieve in the first job that I ever got.

And took me about maybe a year and a half

after being in LA and I got that.

So I remember kissing the dirty carpet

out in my crappy apartment.

I was so excited.

Like, going to Toronto,

like I had no idea where Toronto was.

Who is Jeremy Renner in 'Mayor of Kingstown'?

Well, I am the mayor.

Mike McLusky in The Mayor of Kingstown.

He's not actually a mayor.

He's more of a power broker.

He's more of a fixer.

He's a friend.

If he's your enemy, it's not good for you.

Does Jeremy Renner know martial arts?

I've never trained in any discipline.

However, I've trained in all the disciplines for many years,

if that makes any sense.

It was all through stunts

and training for five months in Taekwondo

or five months in this or Judo throws every day

or whatever it might be,

to serve, whether it was Bourne Legacy

or if it's whatever the movie was was calling for.

I learned from like Tom Cruise,

I think one of the greatest at the game,

on Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.

He taught me how to train my body like I'm an athlete,

a professional athlete, when it comes to stunts.

And I took that advice and I ran with it to this day.

In part of my recovery,

I used that even as part of my recovery.

My body awareness was a huge part of me on that ice.

Treat your body like you're a professional athlete.

That perspective that he gave me

really kind of bleeds into many places in my life.

And actually, thanks Tom.

You know, appreciate that.

Want a board.

What do you gotta say, Google?

Are Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen friends?

Yes, we're friends.

I haven't seen her in a while.

I miss her dearly.

We got to do Wind River together.

Before that we were doing, obviously,

we met in the Marvel universe.

Yeah, I miss her dearly.

She's a very, very, very dear friend.

Say hi to her if you see her.

Are Jeremy Renner and Robert Downey friends?

Yes, we are.

The other blessing of, you know,

being in the Marvel universe is forging great friendships.

You know, you're with somebody for 12 years

and people have been through divorces and babies

and marriages and all these things

and we're on not only our family chat for the OG Avengers,

but also just as friends in life.

I speak to him, you know, several times a week

and he's a huge, huge fan of Mayor of Kingstown.

So he forces me to tell him all the stuff

before it comes out.

But yeah, of course.

Good buddy of mine.

Let's go.

Is Jeremy Renner in 'Lords of Dogtown'?

Yes, I am.

Yeah, a short little, small scene.

I did it with some friends and I think we shot for a week

or something or less than that, but it was good fun.

I was in The Lords of Dogtown.

Was Jeremy Renner James Bond?

No, but I was James Coughlin in The Town.

Maybe you've seen that movie.

[Producer] Do you know why

people might be Googling that?

They wear tuxes a lot, maybe.

I'm in suits and you know, maybe sort of Bond-ish, you know,

or I look similar to Daniel Craig.

Maybe that too.

And I'm not English, so I can't be cast as James Bond.

Look, that's all the answers I have for you today.

Don't Google me anymore.


I'm out.

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