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Anya Taylor-Joy & Chris Hemsworth Answer The Web's Most Searched Questions

The stars of 'Furiosesa: A Mad Max Saga' answer the web's most searched questions about themselves. How good is Anya at chess? How does Chris feel to move on from playing Thor? Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth answer these questions and more!

Director: Jackie Phillips
Director of Photography: Ricardo Pomares
Editor: Richard Trammell
Talent: Chris Hemsworth; Anya Taylor-Joy
Creative Producer: Justin Wolfson
Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi
Associate Producer: Paul Gulyas
Production Manager: Peter Brunette
Production & Equipment Manager: Kevin Balash
Talent Booker: Lauren Mendoza
Camera Operator: Nick Massey
Sound Mixer: Mike Robertson
Production Assistant: Lauren Boucher; Brock Spitaels
Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin
Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant
Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen
Assistant Editor: Billy Ward

Released on 05/23/2024


Hi, I'm Anya Taylor-Joy.

And I'm Chris Hemsworth.

And this is the Wired Autocomplete Interview. Yeah!

[upbeat music]

I just did Transformers. I did Optimus Prime.

No, you, what? Mm-hm.

That's sick! Bring me Shia LaBeouf!

Okay. [laughing] Where's Megan Fox?

[upbeat music]

Hello. How was Anya Taylor-Joy discovered?

I was walking my dog, and a car started chasing me,

and I picked up my dog- What?

Straight up.

So, like, at the time,

my parents had been watching a lot of 24.

And so, in my head,

when I was, like, walking down the street with my dog,

I was like, Ah, maybe that car's chasing me,

but maybe it's not.

And then I picked up pace, and the car did start chasing me.

And then this guy stuck his head out the window and said,

If you stop, you won't regret it.

And I stopped. Wow.

And it was a modeling agency.

But, at the end of that conversation, they were like,

Never do that again. Yeah, wow.

Don't know what the moral of the story is here.

Like, definitely don't stop,

Yeah. but, worked out for me.

Do, but don't.

How good, oh no, how good-

Chris, you're too aggressive with it!

Did someone use some super glue?

You know, how goodle? How good

is Anya Taylor-Joy at chess?

So, I was quite good, when we were filming.

And then, you know that short-term memory part of your brain

where you store all the stuff

Yeah. that you're supposed to do

for film and TV?

I had to fill it with other things.

So, I filled it with Cranky Black,

and this, and that, and whatever.

But I do wanna get back into it.

We should have a chess game

some time. We should.

Now, I'm not, I used to play chess as a kid,

but, Really?

not so much anymore. Ah.

How does Anya Taylor-Joy cry on cue? Can you cry on cue?

I can cry on cue. Wow.

I also had a nosebleed on cue once,

which was really crazy. On purpose?

It was supposed to happen in the scene,

and then, when it was supposed to happen in the scene,

I had a nosebleed.

Really? Yeah, for real.

Wow. It was really crazy.

I once had somebody tell me

that the best way to remember lines was to have

the right thoughts. Mm-hm.

And if you're having the right thoughts,

then the right thing to say would naturally come.

And so, I feel like when you're crying like that,

it just, naturally, the emotion takes you there.

So, is it, you have to think of something sad,

or is it, like, physical, No.

squeeze the tears out.

It cannot be about my own life.

I made that mistake on my first movie.

I spent the whole day, like, prepping

for this really emotional scene,

and I just thought of, like, terrible things

for seven hours straight,

which is really- And not on camera.

Not on camera. Yeah.

So, by the time that the scene came 'round,

I was like, I got nothing.

So, yeah, it has to be

for the point-of-view of the character.

But how 'bout you? I'm curious.

Yes, I feel like,

so many years of trying to manipulate emotions

that my body's like, Nah.

Yeah, no, yeah. And calls BS

every time I try and do it.

So, I hope the script gets me there,

and I hope it organically happens.

But I also, more concentrate on whatever the emotion is,

and whatever I'm trying to say or do in the scene,

rather than actually cry.

How does Anya Taylor-Joy know Spanish?

It is my first language.

So, most of my family lives in Argentina.

My mom is half English, half Spanish, born in Africa.

I learned to speak English when I was eight years old.

It's one of the main questions for me.

How come Chris Hemsworth is so good at Spanish?

[Anya giggling]

Also just comes naturally.

All right, yeah, flip it. Ah!

Oh, it's my turn.

Yeah, it's your turn. All right.

[Anya] Is Chris Hemsworth

The villain. the villain in Furiosesa?

No. Just kidding. [chuckles]

Well, I mean, to be- Not in his own eyes.

Yeah. You know.

I mean, I think he sort of justifies his actions

through the lens of, and his version of how things are,

and he believes he's doing what is appropriate

and needed for his survival, for himself,

but also for Furiosesa,

and the people, the biker horde that he's responsible for.

But yeah, he's not a nice guy. [chuckles]

Who is Chris Hemsworth,

I'm gonna say, is it, like, related to?

Who is Chris Hemsworth best friend?

Besides you, [Anya giggles]

I've got two guys I work with,

that I've known since I was six and seven, Zaki and Aza,

Yeah. who I think you would've met

on the movie. Yeah.

I was gonna say your kids.

You're a really great dad. My kids.

Let's do that one again, in case they're watching.

Oh, my kids, of course.

Your kids. [laughs] And my wife, and my wife.

My kids and my wife, Yeah, Chris.

[laughing] have always been my best friends.

When was Chris Hemsworth, okay,

On dances. on Dancing with the Stars?

Yeah. You're joking.

Don't be surprised. It's, you've seen it.

Which, no, I haven't.

I swear to God. She used to watch it

every day on set,

before a scene, Which country?

Are there multiple countries? just to totally lose

respect for me. Wait, wait, wait,

wait, wait, wait. The Australian version.

There's only seven contestants,

ever. Can I watch this?

There's only 10 people in the country.

Is that okay?

You can watch it, yeah. Can I watch it?

Everyone else can. What was your favorite

kind of dance?

'Cause there's, like, different casts.

I've not seen it, but- The samba.

Samba, okay, cool. Yeah.

And then the waltz.

I was really bad, but,

I'm really excited. it gave me [chuckles]

my finances to come to America.

It looks really scary, to be honest with you.

Like, I can imagine it's quite, like, stressful

to go and perform in front

of a bunch of people. Oh, it was terrifying.

Yeah. It's also terrifying

for you to watch, probably.

It's like a cockroach. I won't tell you

when I watch it. You won't be able

to look away.

You'll just be like, No, no, no.

You'll show up, and I'll have a knowing look in my eye,

and be like, Hi, Chris.

[Interviewer] How far did you go on the show?

Oh, fifth, I think. [chuckles]

That's good! Everyone remembers

fifth place.

That's good. That was where

I wanted to get. Yeah.

I didn't wanna get any higher.

I believe it.

Just, I didn't want to upset anyone else.

Yeah. I felt

for the other contestants.

So, it got to five, and I was like, I'm gonna intentionally

screw this up. Yeah.

Who is Chris Hemsworth related to? I knew it would come up.

A lot of people.

I have two brothers, Luke and Liam.

Your parents. My parents,

the only, who came.

My kids. Your children.

Yep, my kids.

I've got cousins and grandparents, and,

this is a really wild question, this one.

Back to the dancing questions. Back to the dancing.

Okay, and so, au revoir. [card clatters]

Does Anya Taylor joy? Yes.

Do you joy? Oh, God, I don't know.

[Chris] Do you joy?

[Both] Sing in Last Night in Soho?

Yeah, I did. I love that film.

Yeah, it was really fun.

I got to sing it acapella in the movie,

beautiful song called, Downtown.

And then, Edgar had the mad idea to just, like, bring me in

and have me record a bunch of stuff,

and it was so much fun.

[Chris] Anya Taylor-Joy imperator Furiosesa.

What's the question? Yeah,

that's not really a question, is it?

What's? You explain.

I will be playing her, in a film that we are both in,

coming out May 23rd, or May 24th,

depending on where you are.

That's right. So, yeah.

[Chris] Anya Taylor-Joy Super Mario.

I'm also in that one, yeah.

I'm Princess Peach. Yes.

It was so much fun.

I actually, I got to go to Universal Studioses the other day,

and bring a bunch of my friends and family,

Yeah. and that was really,

really fun.

Do you like doing the animation?

I do. It's hard work. Yeah.

Like, I was really surprised.

I think the first time I ever did animation,

I threw up after the session,

'cause I'd just been screaming,

Oh, wow. for, like, seven hours.

Anya Taylor-Joy Jack Black. Jack Black, I love him.

I very rarely get starstruck, and he was just huge for me,

'cause I loved Tenacious D

as a kid. Yeah.

And so, like, I immediately

just scream-sang tribute at him,

and he was very cool about it.

I can't imagine someone coming up to me

and just singing at me.

And so, I think he was a really good sport about it.

He's awesome. Like him a lot.

Good. Thank you.

Are Chris Hemsworth eyes really that blue?

Yeah. Yeah, they are. [laughs]

Where is Limitless Chris Hemsworth filmed?

Mostly in Australia, some in America, and then Norway.

I really wanna go to Norway. Yeah.

Beautiful. I really want to go there.

Why is Chris Hemsworth

not playing Thor anymore? Not playing Thor anymore.

'Cause I'm playing Dementus, in Furiosesa.

Professional, right there.

I've played Thor, what, eight times now, I think.

Loved every second of it,

and, at the moment, enjoying doing other things,

and who knows what the future holds.

[Anya] Is Chris Hemsworth

Gonna play Hulk Hogan. going to play Hulk Hogan?

I'm fascinated. So, Todd Phillips and I

were talking about this.

He was gonna direct it.

I don't know where that's at, to be honest. I don't know.

That's not in the immediate future,

Okay. but it was a discussion,

for a little while.

But, hey brother.

[chuckles] No. Yeah!

All right, let's go.

That's the same as Optimus Prime, isn't it?

Hey, here we go.

Final card. All right, Anya Taylor-Joy,

who is Anya Taylor-Joy in Peaky Blinders?

In Peaky Blinders, I am a real piece of work,

named Gina Gray, and I get very weirdly embarrassed

when people tell me that they really like me

in Peaky Blinders, because she's awful.

I struggle watching me as Gina.

So, when people are like, Oh, you're great in that show,

I'm like, Oh, God, you've seen me

be terrible to people. No, it was cool, though.

That show is awesome. Thanks.

It was. It was really, really fun.

Yeah, here we go.

What languages does Anya Taylor-Joy

Speak? Speak. speak in The Northman?

Gosh, you're testing my memory here.

We created a form of old Slavic,

Oh, wow. for me to be able

to do spells and incantations in.

And it was really fun, but also pretty crazy,

because you would show up to set,

and just be, like, screaming spells, in a made-up language.

But I remember Ralph Ineson, who did The Witch, with me,

he was also on the boat,

where I was, like, doing my big one.

And I remember his eyes going like,

Oh, shit, get out the way, and I was like, Yes!

[chuckling] Yeah, cool.

I scared the big Yorkshire man.

Yeah, you guys have a good nod

to the, [clears throat] the Nordic realm.

I chose to just do an Australian accent,

[Anya laughs]

with a bit of an English twang to it,

'cause, you know, Works great.

they speak English

in the clouds, don't they? Yeah.

[chuckles] Is Anya Taylor-Joy, dun-dun,

oh, come off it. Dude.

This is not your game. I'm doing it this way.

See, see, see?

In Dune Two. In Dune Two.

I am. I am in Dune Two.

And it was absolutely amazing.

It was, like, probably

one of the coolest shooting experiences I've ever had.

Really? Awesome. Yeah.

It was a skeleton crew.

Denis and I, in the dunes in Namibia, and it was awesome.

I loved it. Epic.

Thanks, love. Okay.

What is Chris Hemsworth max bench?

Like, bench press. Oh, max bench.

Got it. Not very good, to be honest.

As in, it's okay,

but I don't- I don't buy it.

No, because I don't do a lot of accumulation of movement.

Just time under tension, you know? A lot of pushups.

30, 40kg dumbbells, so, 80. Kinda my body weight, I guess.

[Anya] What is Chris Hemsworth's favorite song?

Ah. What's your favorite song,

babe? Hm,

I would just go favorite album.

How 'bout Van Morrison, Poetic Champions

Compose? Nice.

Yep. Or Jeff Buckley, Live at Sin-e.

Wow! Mm.

What? The Teskey Brothers,

Crying Shame? Very impressive.

The Teskey Brothers, yeah.

Nice. What's your favorite album?

I can't ever

answer that question. No, see.

It's like when someone says favorite film,

I just get very deer-in-the-headlights,

and go, Uh, uh, uh,

and, like, rattle off something with animals in it.

What tattoos does Chris Hemsworth have?

I've got a Doctor Seuss tattoo up here.

My daughter, I used to read this book to her,

Oh, the Places You'll Go.

I love that book. And then I got the tattoo,

and then, I kinda got sick of the tattoo years later,

and I started getting it removed.

And then she's like, Dad, what are you doing?

Where's he going?

And I was like, Oh, I was gonna get it rubbed off.

And she said, No, leave it. So it stayed there.

These, my daughter drew.

I was actually up with a friend one night.

She woke up, it's like 11 o'clock,

she's said, Dad, Dad, I can't sleep.

Sat on my lap, and started drawing some things,

and these were the things she drew.

That's beautiful.

And someone else who was sitting there was like,

Oh, do you know that's the Wheel of Dharma?

That's the, in Hindu, it meant many things

in different spaces, but the male and female union.

Initials of my family, and that's it.

Very nice. Okay, last one.

What age did Chris Hemsworth start acting?

I think my first job, I would've been 18,

when I was in high school. Yeah, same.

I was, I did drama class,

I got kicked outta drama class a lot.

Why? What'd you do?

I just, you know, couldn't sit still,

Yeah. and, I just wanted to play.

I wanted to have fun.

Anyway, and then, when I finished school,

I started, I did an acting course,

and started auditioning, and got my first job.

I played King Arthur. I was basically an extra.

Had this, like, red wig.

And I didn't have any dialogue,

but I was King Arthur. But you wore a crown.

I wore a crown. Yeah.

And a long wig. Sick.

All right. I think that's us done.

[card clatters] Whoo-hoo!

I have Googled myself, but it is never a good idea.

I sort of operate with, Someone will tell me,

Yeah. if I need to know.

And then you try not to read the reviews and things,

and someone goes. [winces]

It's often my dad, too.

I'm like, Dad, just don't, I don't wanna know.

I don't have to see.

Oh, could you believe what they said?

I'm like. Yeah, but that's dads, yeah.

So, if you're watching, Dad, stop it.

[upbeat music]

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