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Maddie Ziegler Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions

Maddie Ziegler takes the WIRED Autocomplete Interview and answers the internet's most searched questions about herself. What's her signature dance move? What role did she play in Pretty Little Liars? How many tattoos does she have? Maddie answers all these questions and more! Director: Katherine Wzorek Director of Photography: Ricardo Pomares Editor: Michael Imhoff; Eric Bigman Talent: Maddie Ziegler Creative Producer: Justin Wolfson Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi Associate Producer: Paul Gulyas Production Manager: Peter Brunette Production and Equipment Manager: Kevin Balash Talent Booker: Jenna Caldwell; Mica Medoff Camera Operator: Lucas Vilicich Sound Mixer: Kari Barber Production Assistant: Liza Antonova Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen Assistant Editor: Justin Symonds

Released on 12/07/2023


Hi, I'm Maddie Ziegler,

and this is the Wired Autocomplete Interview.

[upbeat music]

This is so weird.

I've, like, watched these videos,

so now, like, holding it in person is really funny.

[upbeat music]

What is Maddie Ziegler's job?

I am a dancer and an actor

and a few other things in between. [laughs]

What brand does Maddie Ziegler own?

I don't own a brand.

I'm, like, trying to think.

No, I don't own a brand, but not for long.

No, I'm just kidding. I don't know. [laughs]

Hopefully, I'll own a brand in the future.

What is Maddie Ziegler signature move?

I feel like it's changed throughout the years.

I think when I was younger, I did this switch leap,

which I feel like if anyone has seen it

on the show that I was on growing up.

But I think what became more signature was

when I, like, pulled my eye in the Chandelier dance.

I did, like, a thing like that in behind the curtain.

I feel like that was, like, a signature thing.

What makes Maddie Ziegler unique in the dance world?

My emotion and the way

that I have used characters in my different dance pieces

is what made me stand out to Sia

and why I got that job in the first place.

[board taps]

Who was Maddie Ziegler in 'Pretty Little Liars'?

Oh my gosh, that is such a flashback.

I don't even know if I had a character name.

I was like a ghost or a spirit or something.

That was truly, at the time,

one of the best days of my life

because I was such a Pretty Little Liars fan.

What has Maddie Ziegler been in?

I would say more recently,

you would know me for maybe a film called The Fallout

that I did,

or I have a new film coming out called Fitting In.

West Side Story.

What is Maddie Ziegler favorite song?

That's like asking a mom to pick her favorite child,

I feel like.

I don't know if you could do that.

I feel like a song that's on heavy rotation

is Sweet Thing by Mary J. Blige.

She didn't originate the song I don't think,

but I think it's her cover.

Maddie Ziegler Velma dance scene.

I played Velma in West Side Story

and we got to perform the iconic dance at the gym scene

from the original film,

and it was such an incredible moment.

It was obviously directed by Steven Spielberg,

and it was choreographed by Justin Peck.

And I was so lucky to work with both of them.

I think six or seven days

to film just that one dance scene.

It was a huge production.

What makeup does Maddie Ziegler,

I'm scared where this is going, use?

Oh, I use so many different brands of makeup.

I think there's so many different,

amazing products for different things.

I think Charlotte Tilbury is great.

Saie Beauty is great. Hourglass.

I have a bunch of different favorites, for sure.

What is Maddie Ziegler Zodiac sign?

I'm a Libra.

I'm, like, not super into science,

but when people who are

and they know that I'm a Libra,

they're like, That makes so much sense.

Traits of a Libra are are just, like,

super go-with-the-flow,

pretty calm, indecisive, which I'm all those things.

When did Maddie Ziegler start dancing?

I started dancing when I was two years old,

and I started competitively dancing when I was four,

so real early.

When was Maddie Ziegler on 'Dancing With the Stars'?

That was weird.

I did not know that was gonna happen.

I performed on Dancing With the Stars a few times.

I did a performance with Sia

and Allison Holker, who's an incredible dancer.

And then I think I performed with Josh Groban on there.

And then I also did a performance with my sister

when she was on Dancing With the Stars: Junior.

I did a little guest trio performance,

and it was so much fun.

Oh, I also did another performance with Alan and Alexis Ren.

All of the pro dancers on the show are incredible.

I think Val and Jenna, they're a married couple,

and they're absolutely incredible.

I would love to train with both of them.

[board taps]

Is Maddie Ziegler on 'Masked Dancer'?

Wrong Ziegler.

My sister was, but I wasn't.

Does Maddie Ziegler like Jenna Ortega?

I love Jenna Ortega.

She's one of my greatest friends,

and she's a little angel, and I adore her.

I adore working with her,

but I also just adore our friendship,

and I think it's really special.

Did Maddie Ziegler perform at Coachella?

I did.

I recently performed at Coachella this year

with Labrinth and Sia,

and it was such a fun experience.

It's so crazy, for how many times I've performed,

I actually get nervous every time before I go on stage,

but I think it's more excitement nerves.

It's that adrenaline rush.

It's just that feeling

of, like, the anticipation of going on stage.

But the second I hit the stage, I'm so comfortable.

Does Maddie Ziegler have tattoos?

I do. I have a lot of little tattoos.

I think I have about seven.

They're all really small 'cause I wanted to make sure

that, for acting purposes, that it would be easier to cover

'cause it's not fun to have to sit

in that makeup chair a lot longer

to get a bunch of tattoos covered up.

But also I love the look of dainty ones,

and shout out to Docta Woo

because he's done all my tattoos, and I love him.

Because I'm indecisive,

I didn't wanna do anything

that I knew I would regret later in life.

and I know a lot of people

do end up regretting a lot of their tattoos,

so I make sure that all of my tattoos

are really, like, personal and sentimental.

So the first tattoo I got was, my grandma who passed away,

I got her name in cursive,

and it's also my sister's middle name.

So it's like a double meaning.

Maddie Ziegler 'Bloody Hell.'

So Bloody Hell is the original title name of a film

that I did that premiered at South by Southwest,

and now it is called Fitting In,

which will be premiering next year in theaters,

which is so exciting.

I adore the film and put so much on my heart into it,

and I can't wait for people to see it.

[board taps]

Thank you.

How did Maddie Ziegler became famous?

Become famous.

I guess on a reality show when I was seven years old.

It's so weird 'cause I hate saying that I'm famous.

I think it's just, like, a really weird concept for me.

So yeah, but I guess that's how I got my start.

How many turns can Maddie Ziegler do?

It depends because regularly,

I think I've been able to do probably like 10 turns,

but when you wear a tap shoe,

you can actually do more turns.

So maybe, I don't know, probably 18,

like, consecutive pirouettes.

I can turn for hours.

How many siblings does Maddie Ziegler have?

There's lots of those.

My sister and I are the only blood,

and then there's seven other ones.

How many crowns does Maddie Ziegler have?

[paper rips] Oh, I'm sorry.

I don't know.

I think I had around like 13, 12 or 13.

It's so funny because you work your whole life

when you're younger for these crowns,

and they're all just, like, these plastic tiaras

that actually don't mean anything,

so it's really funny how much I cared about it

when I was younger.

But yeah, they're not important now, but at the time.

How old was Maddie Ziegler-

[paper rips]

Oh my gosh, I'm sorry.

In 'Chandelier.'

I'm ruining this whole board.

I was 11 years old when I did 'Chandelier.'

What's funny is when I was filming 'Chandelier,'

I remember I flew to L.A. and did it and had the best time.

But when I came back to my dance studio,

I told all my friends,

Just this little video that's gonna come out.

No one will see it.

I was like, I wore a blonde wig.

Like, it was really different and weird at the time,

and I never expected it to blow up the way that it did.

This is so much easier than I thought it would be.

[laughs] I thought- You're doing good.

Okay. [producer laughs]

Maddie Ziegler costumes.

I have lots of those.

My mom has kept

almost all of our dance competition costumes,

and she has 'em in a closet.

But I'm so happy.

I'm like, You can never get rid of them,

like, the important ones especially,

because I wanna be able

to look back on them when I'm older,

and I don't know, I want my kids to see them.

I don't know if I have a favorite.

There's so many to choose from.

A lot of my lyrical solos

that I did were really beautiful costumes

with a lot of rhinestones, and I liked them a lot.

Maddie Ziegler Imagination Palette.

Yeah, I was so excited to do a makeup collaboration.

Makeup is one of my absolute favorite things in the world,

so getting to create my own palette,

all of the shade names and the colors and the textures,

and just even the whole creative

for the shoot was so much fun.

And I had such a great experience.

When I was creating the shade names,

I think it was kind of a mixture of playing

into the concept of the Imagination Palette

and then also I think just a few personal names and things.

Like, I named a shade after my mom, after my sister,

so stuff like that.

Maddie Ziegler knee drop.

That was also a very, I guess, signature move

that I used to do,

which is so funny 'cause if I did that now,

my knees would probably break.

But basically, you start on one leg

and dive onto the other leg,

and you land on your knee.

But the trick is to obviously protect your knee

and to land more on the side of your hip.

Maddie Ziegler podcast.

I had a podcast with my sister called Take 20 for a bit,

and that was really fun.

We had a great time doing that.

And then I've had the pleasure

of being on a few other people's podcasts.

They're so fun.

It's such a good way to have a conversation

and dive into some topics

that maybe you wouldn't on the everyday basis.

Maddie Ziegler 'To All the Boys.'

Oh my gosh, this is hilarious.

I made a little cameo

in one of the To All the Boys movies.

I think it was the second film.

Yeah, I think I played a cheerleader.

I had, like, one line, but it was fun.

I love Lana Condor.

I think she's so cute and sweet and super talented,

and yeah, it was fun.

[board taps]

I actually can breathe now

'cause I thought that was gonna be way more stressful,

and I thought you guys were gonna expose me

in a lot of ways. [laughs]

No, it's so interesting

that a lot of people still want to know

what, like, my favorite signature dance moves are

and stuff like that.

I think it's really cool.

[bright music]

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