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    Olivia Rodrigo Answers The Web's Most Searched Questions

    Superstar singer-songwriter Olivia Rodrigo visits WIRED to answer her most searched questions from Google.

    Olivia's sophomore album, GUTS, is out now. https://www.oliviarodrigo.com/

    Released on 09/14/2023


    Hey, I'm Olivia Rodrigo

    and this is the Wired Autocomplete Interview.

    [upbeat music]

    Hehehe, okay.

    I'm scared.

    [upbeat music]

    All right.

    When did Olivia Rodrigo become famous?

    I was acting on shows when I was younger.

    I was very fortunate to be

    in a few Disney shows and that was so much fun.

    And then I put out drivers license when I was 17

    and sort of changed my world forever.

    So, maybe I'd say drivers license.

    Simultaneously, everything changed in my life

    and nothing changed at all.

    Feel the same,

    I hang out with the same people,

    I still have the same insecurities and fears.

    I feel like I'm good at the same things.

    It's just my environment just changed completely

    in such a short amount of time, which is kind of crazy.

    Looking back on it, I'm like, wow, what a wild time.

    When did Olivia Rodrigo get her driver's license?

    I got my driver's license a little late.

    I think I was 17.

    All my friends were getting their driver's license,

    driving around.

    I would literally go to bed

    like thinking about it, dreaming about it.

    And I booked an appointment to go to the DMV to take my test

    and I take my mom's car and I pull up

    and the test proctor or whatever is in the other seat

    and he's like, okay, like left, right, stop.

    Blinker works, okay.

    Brake lights work, great.

    And he goes, honk the horn.

    And I try to honk the horn and nothing comes out.

    And I'm like, what?

    Like that's so weird.

    And he's like, well, try again.

    I keep trying and I keep trying

    and the horn doesn't work on my mom's car for some reason.

    And they say, oh, you're unfit.

    Like you can't take the test.

    Your car's unsafe.

    And I cry like a baby in the parking lot.

    I was so distraught.

    But then the second time that I took the test,

    I got a song out of it, too.

    So I'd say that it was probably meant to be.

    Why does Olivia Rodrigo make sad songs?

    Because it's fun.

    People like to listen to sad songs.

    I love listening to sad songs, even when I'm happy.

    And they're really fun to write.

    When I'm really low

    and I listen to a sad song that I absolutely love

    that captures that feeling really succinctly,

    it just helps you understand your feeling so much more.

    And that's just in and of itself so powerful.

    I love sad songs.

    I'll love them forever.

    Who is Olivia's songs about?

    Your mom.

    All right.

    Can Olivia Rodrigo parallel park?

    Guys, I wrote a song

    and I said I can't parallel park in the song.

    I was 18 then.

    I'm 20 now and I actually think that I am quite passable.

    I did it the other day on a crowded busy street

    where there were people behind me,

    really putting pressure on me,

    and I was so proud of myself

    and my friend was in the passenger seat to witness.

    So, one of my crowning achievements.

    Is Olivia Rodrigo favorite color purple?

    Yes, my favorite color is purple.

    I like it.

    It's the color of magic and all things mystic.

    Is Olivia Rodrigo friends with Jenna Ortega?

    Yes, I am.

    Jenna and I grew up together on the Disney Channel

    which is a very strange way to grow up,

    but I've always thought she was the coolest

    and so happy for her and all of her success.

    I truly don't know anyone more kind or deserving.

    Is Olivia Rodrigo a good singer?

    I hope so, God.

    I'm no Mariah Carey or anything,

    but I like to think that I convey some emotion in my voice

    and that's what counts.

    Hope so.

    How does Olivia Rodrigo

    write songs?

    I'm a very lyric based songwriter.

    I love looking at songs

    as if they're just like pieces of poetry.

    So lots of times inspiration for my songs will come across,

    someone will be saying something interesting

    in a conversation, I'll be like,

    wow, that's cool, that's catchy,

    or that rhymes, like, let me write that down.

    Every time it's different.

    Sometimes I'll come up with chords

    or melody that I like and finish it from there.

    It's what's fun about it.

    You never know,

    you never know how it's gonna happen.

    How old was Olivia Rodrigo in high school?

    In high school, oh, I was like, um, high school age?

    High School Musical.

    That makes way more sense.

    Must've been 15.

    How to draw Olivia Rodrigo easy?

    I'm not the person to ask here.

    I'll give you a template.

    I think I have like sort of heart shaped face.

    I could be wrong.

    Oh, God.

    Think I have like almondy eyes.

    This is just already super bad.

    Okay, this is gonna be more of a Picasso.

    [Olivia giggling]

    Oh God, that looks awful.

    I tried to draw me sticking my tongue out to try to like

    remake the Sour cover so that it was clear it was me,

    but it looks terrible.

    I write songs, I don't draw.

    I tried.

    All right.

    What is Olivia Rodrigo's genre?

    I'd like to think that I make pop music that is adventurous.

    I love rock music and folk music

    and singer songwriter music, obviously.

    There's a little bit of sprinkles of that in there.

    What song did Olivia Rodrigo change the lyrics to?

    Changed the lyrics to a lot of songs.

    I suppose on Sour, it was very angsty

    and so lots of the songs on Sour

    didn't really change too much

    from the sort of original inception of the idea.

    But I guess on this album I did a lot more polishing.

    So every song always changing.

    What is Olivia Rodrigo's most streamed song?

    drivers license and good 4 u?

    It's good 4 u?

    Wow, that's cool.

    Thanks, guys.

    Good for you.

    I think I was rightfully really nervous

    that I was gonna be one hit wonder.

    Nothing wrong with being a one hit wonder.

    I was so happy to have that one hit when I had it,

    but it was really cool to see that good 4 u

    in some regards better than drivers license.

    That was really cool.

    Grateful for everyone who's streamed those songs.

    Thank you so much.

    What is Olivia Rodrigo vampire about?

    Olivia Rodrigo vampire is about me

    because all of my songs are about me

    and they're introspective and they're about nothing else.


    Will Olivia Rodrigo do a GUTS tour?

    Yes, I will.

    I'm very excited.

    Come see me.

    It would be a lot of fun.

    I'm so excited for this tour.

    I think it's going to be a ball.

    Does Olivia Rodrigo have a tattoo?

    It's debatable.

    I got a matching tattoo with my best friend, Iris.

    We got hearts on our pinkies and I don't know

    if you can tell, mine is completely worn off.

    It doesn't look like a heart at all.

    It looks like I like smudged sharpie

    on my hand or something like that.

    So technically, there is some tattoo ink,

    but I don't know if I'd really classify it as a tattoo.

    I think my next tattoo, I'm gonna wait

    till I have kids and then I'll get their names

    tattooed on me or something like that.

    That's the plan.

    Does Olivia Rodrigo say I love you in deja vu?

    I do say I love you in deja vu.

    If you listen very closely, I go

    love you in between the chorus and the verse

    and then I go I love you

    because it's in between the chorus and the verse.

    But you have to turn it up really loud to hear it.

    Little secret from me to you.

    Okay, Olivia Rodrigo album cover.

    Yeah, I mean I have two albums.

    They both have purple album covers.

    This latest one has some rings that

    say guts on them because I love four letter words,

    all types of four letter words.

    And hope you like it, yeah.

    Olivia Rodrigo college.

    I took a poetry class, so that was really fun.

    And we actually turned one of the songs that I wrote

    in the poetry class, the poem's called lacy.

    We turned it into a song on the album called lacy.

    So, it was quite fruitful.

    Olivia Rodrigo Jack White.

    He's great.

    He's one of my heroes.

    So, go Jack White.

    I think The White Stripes are so perfectly simple

    and so grungy and imperfect

    in the most beautiful, intentional way.

    And he just like writes the catchiest riffs and hooks

    and I don't know how he does it.

    It's like other worldly.

    Olivia Rodrigo quotes from songs.

    I don't know, there's kind of a lot to choose from.

    I see brutal lyrics a lot.

    People tell me that it's brutal out here a lot.

    Mm, good 4 u.

    Every time I meet a new person,

    they're like, oh 'good 4 u.'

    And I'm like, yeah, that's me.

    So, maybe that.

    Okay, Olivia Rodrigo's zodiac sign.

    I'm a Pisces through and through, baby.

    Pisces are like super emotional, super musical.

    They like water, usually and I love water.

    If I'm ever stressed out,

    I'll like jump in a pool or the ocean

    or even going in the shower and I'm just reborn.

    I dunno.


    Okay, what is Olivia Rodrigo's new album called?

    My album is called GUTS.

    I came up with a name many years ago.

    I wrote a song that is not very good

    and will never see the light of day called Hate Your Guts

    and I always thought that was a really interesting phrase.

    And I also love that guts can mean bravery.

    Trusting your gut means intuition.

    You know, spilling your guts is

    telling everyone your dirty little secrets.

    So, a very loaded word and I like it.

    What is Olivia Rodrigo's nickname?

    Lots of people call me Liv.

    Some people call me Livy.

    My mom calls me Livy Loubelle.

    My grandpa calls me Oli.

    You know, not terribly unusual.

    What's Olivia Rodrigo's aesthetic?

    God, you know, some days I really don't know.

    I really love nineties sort of grungy things.

    PJ Harvey's style.

    I love Alexa Chung's style.

    TBD on that one.

    I feel like I'm ever changing, ever evolving.

    What is Olivia Rodrigo's daily routine?

    Lately, I've been waking up every day,

    I've been making a matcha, and eating two Brazil nuts

    'cause I saw some TikTok that said

    that it's good for your hormones or something,

    which is probably like, a complete lie.

    But I try to write every day.

    Every day is different.

    So, I always start that off with my matcha

    and my two Brazil nuts.



    does Olivia Rodrigo


    It's called Good Hair Day.

    Someone gave it to me once and I just went with it.

    Rollin' with it.

    Those are all the boards.

    So glad I could clear the air on what type of shampoo I use.

    I know you guys were dying to know.

    Burning question.

    Now I feel like I need to go learn how to draw.

    Thank you so much for watching.

    [upbeat music]

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