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Pokimane Answers The Web's Most Searched Questions

Imane Anys (AKA Pokimane) visits WIRED to answer her most searched questions from Google.

Released on 09/21/2023


Hi, I'm Poki and this is the Wired Auto Complete Interview

and I'm really nervous.

[upbeat music]

I don't know what people have been Googling

and I'm about to find out.

[upbeat music]

What Poki-

What is Poki?

Sometimes I don't even know.

I'm a content creator, streamer, gamer, vlogger.

I kind of do a little bit of everything.

I am me.

She, her, yeah.

So actually the reason this is my name

is 'cause obviously gaming, I play a lot of Pokemon,

and my name is Imane.

So it's supposed to be a play on words.

That's why it's actually supposed to be pronounced Pokemon.

But I understand in English this just reads as Poki main.

So I'm never mad at people when they pronounce it that way.

I'm like, call me whatever you want.

As long as it's nice.


made Pokimane famous?


For sure 100% streaming.

I've been streaming since I was 17.

It's been like nine years.

I started doing it as a hobby in high school

and then it became my full-time job

and then I started making content on all platforms

and that's how people know me, I guess.

What is Pokimane's

Valorant rank?

My peak was immortal,

but that was about a year and a half ago.

Right now I'm like diamond.

Actually it's a new season, so I'm not even ranked yet.

But last season I was Diamond.

What is Pokimane's nationality?

I was born in Morocco.

I lived there until I was four years old, little baby,

and then we immigrated to Canada.

I lived there until I was about 20, 21,

and then I moved to LA.

And you know what? Maybe I'll move again soon.

Doing the world tour, okay?

That was so weak.

I'll do the next one harder.

Does Pokimane

like Pokemon?

No, actually I named myself after that 'cause I hate it.

Of course.

I think I've never met someone in the world

who doesn't like Pokemon.

I feel like that would be a really big red flag.

I don't play it as often now as I did growing up,

but it's one of those things where like, you know,

it's near and dear to my heart 'cause it's so nostalgic.

My favorite Pokemon is Eevee

'cause it's like picking seven, eight answers in one.

Is that cheating?

I hope not.

Does Pokimane still stream?

I do.

Just not as often as I did before.

You know, when I first started my career

it was like six days a week, then it was like five,

then it was four, consistent schedule,

and now it's like three, two times,

I'll see you when I see you.

And I like it like that.

'Cause now I'm able to do so many other things luckily.

But I still try to make content regularly,

pursue some new things.

I have some exciting projects.

I just can't tell you yet.

I'm sorry.



Does Poki play League?

Not unless I'm feeling severely depressed.

And I haven't played in a while, so that's a good sign.

If you get it, you get it.

And for everyone else in this room, don't worry.

It's not that deep.

League is just one of those games.

It's very intense.

But I had my phase.

I will always love it

as the game that got me into streaming.

Don't forget your roots.

But I just don't play it that much nowadays.

Does Pokimane have tattoos?

This is actually a really good question

because I think most people would maybe assume that I do,

but I don't have a single one.

I love the idea of tattoos.

I love people that have tattoos, but if I had one myself,

I know I would love it for a few months

and then I'd be like, get it off.

So instead I really like to opt for henna tattoos.

Does Pokimane have a Fortnite skin?

I actually don't have a Fortnite skin,

but I have a Fortnite dance.

It's like- [Pokimane vocalizing]

The Fortnite team reaches out and they're like,

hey, we wanna partner on a dance or emote with you.

And I just sat and I brainstormed in my little room.

To me it was kind of reminiscent of like the TikTok dances

that were going on at the time.

I'm also not about to do a fricking back flip.

I can't do a back flip.

So that will forever be one of the high points of my career.

Like, having something in a game that represents you,

especially a game that large, that popular,

and one that was so impactful to my career.

It's just like truly, truly a bucket list item.

I like that one.

[Pokimane laughing]

Oh my god.

Okay, first things first.

How you pronounce my name?

Imane Anys.

It's not anus, okay?

I have had too many people in my life be like, is that?

No, my last name is not butthole.

Please stop it.

Where did Imane Anys go to college?

I went to McMaster university.

I studied chemical engineering.

I really, really like and recommend that school.

I mean to be fair,

I've been outta school for like four years.

So, nostalgic feels.

I think most universities in Canada are pretty good, so.

Can Imane Anys speak Arabic?

[speaking foreign language]

So, technically I speak the Moroccan dialect of Arabic,

which isn't like full on classic Arabic.

I can say most sentences,

but maybe I won't remember most words.

I tend to tell people

I speak two and a half languages, you know.

French, English, a sort of Arabic, a sort of little bit.

Anyone who's, you know, ESL

or an immigrant probably gets what I'm saying.

Not a hundred percent, but like a little bit.

Can Imane Anys do magic?

What do you mean?

Actually, can I?

The only kind of magic I do is manifestation.

Sometimes I'll think so hard about something,

I feel like I plan out exactly how to get it.

That's what I consider manifestation.

Not necessarily wishing something into existence,

but thinking about it so hard

that you recognize the opportunity when it comes.

Aside from that, I wish.

I really do wish.

Imane Anys height.

Six foot two,

six foot three on a good day says my Tinder bio.

No, I'm, honestly honest, honest, honest,

I'm five foot three and three quarters.

But I just say five foot four,

'cause three quarters, who cares?

I think it's a very nice, average height.

I'm very content with my height.

How is Poki?

That's so cute.

Whoever's Googling that, okay?

Honestly I'm pretty good today.

Not a lot of people ask, so thank you.

I'm doing swell.

How to join Poki-

I already know what this is.

Discord, Discord server, Discord server?

Discord server.

If you wanna join, to join our community,


If you're doing it for malicious purposes,

I don't know, how do you join?

How old Pokimane?

Where's the is?

That's how I know it's little kids looking this up.

I am 27.

My birthday was a month and a half ago.

I feel like I'm at a good age.

It's like I've been through my early twenties.

Now I'm a little more secure and hopeful for the future.

What's next?

A family?

Who knows?

Probably not soon.

How much Pokimane


See, net worths are kind of complicated.

It's supposed to be how much is in your bank account,

how much are your assets worth?

And I feel like net worths tend to be overestimated

'cause they don't consider LA taxes.

So I'm gonna stick with priceless.


Who Pokimane

in Free Guy.

I'm actually the main character, the guy.

No actually sometimes I wonder

'cause so many people have been like,

oh, I saw you in 'Free Guy.'

I'm like, you guys don't think I'm like the girl actress,

'cause in Free Guy I'm just me.

I'm literally playing me.

I don't know how to act.

I play video games.

What do I know about acting?

I thought it was so cool that in the movie,

instead of just hiring people to act as the streamers,

they got actual streamers to give our actual reactions.

I feel like that was a sign

that they actually wanted to make a movie

that people who are gamers like and think is legit

and it gave an authentic feel, you know?

Who is Poki's


Actually he was the reason that I got into gaming.

Because you know when you're the younger sibling,

you see everything your older sibling does

and you're like, I wanna do that.

Mom, Dad let me do that.

I honestly just played all the games that he played

and when I wanted to become a streamer

and wanted to go full-time, I was able to

get him to help convince my parents

that what I was doing was legit, you know?

Gaming is still one of the ways that we stay in touch.

We play Valorant together.

He's played on my stream with me so many other times.

Maybe someday he'll stream, too.

I don't know.

Keep an eye out for that.

Who is Poki

in my math solution?

Oh my god.

This is really embarrassing to talk about publicly, okay?

There's a meme.

I can't even tell you the whole meme.

[Crew Member] I have it

here if you want it. You have it?

For sure.

[Crew Member] Who is Pokimane?

In math: my solution.

In history: my queen.

In art: my canvas.

In science: my oxygen.

In geography: my world.

[Pokimane laughing]

It's a very, very cute meme.

It's wholesome.

Is Poki

kid friendly?


If I were to give myself a grade on that,

I'd give myself like a 70.

So 30% of the time, no.

But 70% of the time, I'm fine.

Why does Poki

have WGM?

Okay, for those that don't know, this is a chess term.

It means woman grand master.

It's a very, very high rank term.

And I was in a chess tournament

so they gave me that title

even though I'm like so far from being like at that rank.

But they gave it to me as a joke and I think people saw that

and they're like, why does she have that title?

It's a joke.

Thank you to them, though.

Makes people think I'm better than I am.


gaming chair?

Right now, I have a Herman Miller.

Do I think it's comfortable?


I'm kind of uncomfortable 'cause my posture is so good

so I force myself to sit in it.

This isn't the best, but it's good for me.

And before that I had like a random,

one of those gaming chairs,

like the ones that kinda look like racing chairs.

I actually kinda like those.

I really do.

They're like-

They keep you so steady.

Where is Poki

right now?

I am in Los Angeles on set with Wired.

The search that I both liked and it caught me off guard

was how is Pokimane?

Like does someone out there really wanna know?

That's really nice.

That's really nice.

Thank you so much.

I'll see you guys in the next one.


[upbeat music]

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