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IVE Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions

IVE take the WIRED Autocomplete Interview and answer the internet's most searched questions about themselves. What does IVE mean? When is Yu-jin's variety show coming? Will they be touring in the US soon? Yu-jin, Gaeul, Rei, Wonyoung, Liz, and Leeseo answer all these questions and much more!

Released on 04/29/2024


[All] Dive into IVE. Hi we are IVE.

And this is the WIRED Autocomplete Interview.

[soft music]

[speaking Korean]

We are tall.

[All] Oh, tall. Oh, yeah.

[soft music]

Thank you so much.

Let's do this.

First one.

Oh, how to pronounce IVE.


[All] Literally IVE. IVE.

[All] I-V-E V-E. IVE.

That's how to pronounce this.

What does, IVE mean? Oh, it has a story.


I have...

Have... I have something, something.

[group chattering]

We're gonna reveal this throughout our,

like, works and album and songs and musics.

So you're gonna find out.

Who is the leader of IVE group?

It's me. It's Yu-jin.


[group laughs]

She's the leader of the IVE.

IVE K-Pop fun facts. Fun facts.

[speaking Korean]

We are tall.

[All] Oh, tall. Oh, yeah.

We are very tall.

Fun fact! [laughs]

[group laughs]

You nailed it.

Oh. Next one is An, An Yu-jin.


An Yu-jin look alike.

Look alike? [group chattering]

Who? Who do you think it is?

Puppy. A dog?

No. [laughs]

Dog? Dog? Puppy.

Too many dogs.

Puppy, puppy. Puppy, puppy.

And next one.

An Yu-jin short hair.

[All] Yeah.

Now she's in short hair.

Thank you.

She's now in short hair.

We love it.

Do you guys prefer short hair or long hair?

Comments please. IDK. IDK. Just comment.


An Yu-jin variety show.

[All] Yeah. [group chattering]

It's coming.

Stay tuned, guys.



Next board.

IVE, IVE. It's also for IVE.

Okay. IVE.

K-Pop US tour.

We're really enjoying this

and is very, very first tour of the US by IVE.

So we are very enthusiastic of this.

We're really having fun.

IVE concert outfits.

Yes. Oh, concert outfits.

We love it.

What's your favorite concert outfit?

Do you have one now, an outfit?

Hmm. Sky blue color outfit.



But I also love the encore outfit too.

[All] Oh.

Because, like, we did great by our, like, ideas.

And, like, hat, some things.

So it's very cute.

And IVE dorm. Dorm.

How can we answer it?

Why are you Googling our dorm?

[laughs] Top secrets.

It's a top secret. Oops. Sorry.

IVE fandom name.

3, 2, 1. Dive.

I love you Dive.

So we have a song called, Love Dive.

And also, Dive into IVE is our, like, catch phrase.

So, we love Dive.


Once again, thank you, Dive.

[All] Thank you.

IVE comeback 2024.

Something is coming. [group chattering]

Oh my God. IDK God.

IDK. Oh my God.

We can't spoil this thing out.

But, I can tell you,

it will gonna make you heart race.

Top secret. Stay tuned for it.


Woo hoo!

Bye. Bye



Jang Won-young. Jang Won-young.

Okay, I'm gonna go for it.

Jang Won-young crush?

[All] Crush?

What does this mean?

[group chattering]

Like, you have a crush on me or something like that?

Crush me means, like,

[speaking Korean]

So maybe Dive crush on me?

Okay. Come on. Great job.

And, oh,

favorite food. [group chattering]

We know, it's steak.


So I'm very happy in US

'cause yours is very, very good at steak.

And also I love, like, sweets.

Like cheesecake and chocolate, fudgey.

Lots of things.

Jang Won-young nickname.

Too many.

My nickname is Vicky.

Yeah. Vicky.

A very use in US

'cause my English name was Vicky when I was younger.

I love Vicky.

Yay. Vicky. Vicky.

Thank you, Vicky.

[All] Bye.

It's for Leeseo.

Leeseo. Yay.

What does Leeseo mean?

Oh. Leeseo mean? Leeseo Mean?

You have meaning.

Yes I have.

My full name is Lee Hyun Seo.

And it's short version.

First Lee and the last Seo, right?


It's combined, so Leeseo.

Leeseo. Leeseo.

Leeseo personality.

[group chattering]

Tell them. Tell them.

My personality is, oh,

it's very difficult.

[group laughs]

Yes. I don't know me also.

You don't know yourself? Nobody knows you.

Myself. I don't know myself.

And who is Leeseo closest in...

[speaking Korean]

[group laughing]

[speaking Korean]

Everyone is my friend.

Okay. Yes.

Okay, I'm finished.

Throw it.

[group chattering and laughing]

Next person, GAEUL.

[group chattering]

Yeah. Full info.

Okay. Why is GAEUL called Sunbae? [laughs]

[group laughs] Yeah.

I wanna ask you too. Tell me. Tell me.

First the audition, so...

[Jang Wonyoung] I know the meaning of the Sunbae.

Right. So little bit cool.

And my rapping is very...



[group chattering]

Yeah, and

[laughs] GAEUL representative emoji.

[speaking Korean]

I like the...

I like that. Right

GAEUL funny.

GAEUL funny, yes. Funny, funny.

I'm not funny, I think. [laughs]

But my members laughed?

Laugh a lot.

Yeah, laugh a lot.

Maybe they wanna know some kind of videos.

Like they wanna search up

GAEUL funny video or something like that.

Like GAEUL funniest moment

or something like that.

[All] Yeah.

Yeah, thank you.



Finish. Oh.

Oh, it came back. [group chattering]


Why Kim?

[group chattering]

Kim's real name. Real name. Oh.


Kim Ji-won fashion Style.

Yeah fashion style. Oh.

You like bear something?

Yeah. I like bear...

[speaking Korean]

Bear, print.


Yeah. So my fashion style is bear.

Teddy bear style. Teddy bear style.

She loves lots of bear.


Kim Ji-won left handed? Oh?

[speaking Korean]


She's not left handed.

[speaking Korean]

[laughs] Kim Ji-won best friend?

She's my best friend.

She's best friend. My best friend.

Best friend in here? Yeah.

Who's your best friend?

Me too. All of my best friend.

[All] Oh.

Your best friend is IVE?

Yeah, IVE.

Okay, perfect.

Perfect. Perfect.

Thank you. Bye.

Finally is Naoi Rei.

Naoi Rei.

Full name Full name.

Naoi Rei After LIKE. After LIKE.

Maybe they wanna see your stage for After LIKE.

[speaking Korean]

Ah, I like After LIKE.

I show you.


[Jang Won-young] Oh, same with me.


Now my nickname is Kongsuni because...

[speaking Korean]

It's Korean character called Kongsuni.

[Jang Wonyoung] It's baby character.

Last one.

Now Rei favorite color.

Purple. What's your favorite one?

Purple or now I like pink.

[All] Oh.

I thought was purple. My blanket is pink.


Yes. My favorite color is pink.

Okay. [group applauds]


Throw it. Bye.

Bye. Bye.

So that was all the board.

Thank you so much for Googling us.

See you next time.

[All] Bye.

[soft music]

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