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The Cast of 'Sesame Street' Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions

Elmo, Big Bird, Count von Count, Cookie Monster, Bert, Ernie, Grover, Rosita, Abby Cadabby, and Oscar the Grouch hang with WIRED to answer the Internet's most searched questions about 'Sesame Street' and themselves. New episodes of Sesame Street’s 47th season air every Saturday on HBO, and viewers can watch Sesame Street everyday on HBO Family and PBS Kids.

Released on 02/21/2017


Hi there, I'm Bert.

And I'm Ernie.

And this is our

WIRED autocomplete-- WIRED auto--

Wait, are you doing this or me?

(upbeat music)

Elmo can't read yet so Elmo has a help girl.

She's very tall.

If it's autocomplete can I just not do this?

(upbeat music)

I'm so excited!

Okay let's see.

How does Sesame Street change the world?

How does Sesame Street change the world?


Well, Sesame Street changes the world

by showing people the best in every one of us.

And is helping us being smarter, stronger, and kinder.

And is helping us being smarter, stronger, and kinder.

Elmo just thinks that Sesame Street makes people happy

and spread joy.

We all about kindness,

about being kind to everybody,

even this lady who we not see her face.

How does one get to Sesame Street?

How does one get to Sesame Street?

I thought this was gonna be a question

really for the Count.

Are you coming from the east or from the west?

It makes a big difference.

Take the R to Steinway, get out,

walk down the block and there you are.

I personally started a new little tunnel area

right to my berry garden!


A mole helped me.

I think one way is to be very generous

and cooperate with other people, you know?

And then you can just find your way to Sesame Street

because Sesame Street has a way

of attracting those kind of people, Bert.

That is a very deep answer. I think that's the way.

I think people were just wanting to know,

like basic directions.

Uh, Uber?

Uh, Uber?

Uh, Uber?

Maybe someone should write a song about it.

What's this one?

How does the Sesame Street song go?




♫ Can you tell me how to get

♫ How to get to Sesame Street

♫ How to get to Sesame Street

That's how the Sesame Street song goes.

It's a beauty, you should download it.

How does Sesame Street get celebrities?

How does Sesame Street get celebrities?

How do we get celebrities?

Hmm, Facebook?

Hmm, Facebook?

I just always thought

that they were on Rosita's cellphones.

They just kinda drop out of the sky.

Well you know what,

they're just people in our neighborhood.

Yeah and I also think that Big Bird

has all the contacts in his cellphones.

We also have a really good talent booking department.

What is Big Bird name in Spanish?

Oh that's easy, it's Pajaro Grande.

What is Big Bird's address on Sesame Street?

What is Big Bird's address on Sesame Street?

Oh, I live in my nest near 123 Sesame Street.

Oh, I live in my nest near 123 Sesame Street.

What's Big Bird's real name?

Big Bird or Big Bird.

Big Bird or Big Bird.

What species is Big Bird?

Well, I've been told that I'm a lark.

Oscar says that I'm part homing pigeon

But I think I'm a Bigus canarius.

Look it up.

What is Big Bird's favorite snack.

Well, you know I love birdseed milkshakes.

Yeah, Mr. Hooper used to make them for me at Hooper's Store

and now Alan makes me birdseed milkshakes.

Mmm, yummy.

Mmm, yummy.

Did Cookie Monster change to Veggie Monster?

Me hear this all the time.

No, me Cookie Monster!

No, me Cookie Monster!

Once and for all, me Cookie Monster!

Once and for all, me Cookie Monster!

Me not Brussels Sprouts Monster,

me not Spinach Monster,

me Cookie Monster.

Can we put end to this vicious rumor?

Next question.

Sorry, me got little carried away.

Does Cookie Monster eat real cookies?

Of course, me Cookie Monster.

You think me eat a fake cookie?

No, me eat real cookies

and me love chocolate chip cookies, they're me favorite.

Does Cookie Monster eat vegetables?

Does Cookie Monster eat vegetables?

Me do but me still Cookie Monster.

Me not Veggie Monster.

I think that where misconception happened.

Me love all kinds of food

but me love cookies but me eat vegetables.

Me healthy monster.

Does Cookie Monster have a nose?

Does Cookie Monster have a nose?

Me know you no can see it but me do have nose.

It's way down deep in the fur.

(loud sniffing)

See? (loud sniffing)

Me use me little tiny nose to smell cookies.

(loud sniffing)

How does the Count laugh?


Where is the lightning?

Where is the thunder?

What is the Count's favorite number?

Oh, that is easy, it is seven.

No 12, no 26.

No 12, no 26.

No 12, no 26.

Oh, it is so difficult!

I have so many favorite numbers.

How many fingers does the Count have?

Let's count them.

One, two, three, four,

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.

five, six, seven, eight.

Eight fingers altogether.

Is the Count from Sesame Street a vampire?

Yes, but I am a vampire

with an unquenchable thirst for numbers.

How old is the Count from Sesame Street?

I am 6,523,728 years old next October.

I am 6,523,728 years old next October.

I am 6,523,728 years old next October.

Is Sesame Street real?

Is Sesame Street real?

Of course it's real.

I'm there, I live there.

There's my mommy and my daddy and all my friends.

Is Sesame Street real?

Of course it's real!


I think the answer's obvious.

Okay, you wouldn't be watching us answer these questions

if it wasn't real, right?

Is Sesame Street in New York?

New York, baby!

It is in the Sixth Borough, I believe.

Well, Sesame Street is everywhere.

It's also in our heart.

Oh, as a matter of fact,

there's Sesame Street all over the world.

I forgot, Sesame Street's the longest street

in the whole wide world.

Go figure!

Alright, alright, let's get this over with.

Who is Oscar the Grouch named after?

Who is Oscar the Grouch named after?

I'm named after my Uncle Philip.

Who is Oscar the Grouch's best friend?

Well, I don't really have a best friend

but I am kinda close to this worm.

but I am kinda close to this worm.

His name is Slimey.

His name is Slimey.

Who is Oscar the Grouch's girlfriend?

You talkin' about Grundgetta?


I like to argue with her a lot.

If that's who you talkin' about.

Alright, so we're done here, huh?

What? A couple more?

Oh come on, you gotta be kiddin' me!

[Interviewer] Does Elmo have ears?

Say what?

[Interviewer] Does Elmo have ears?


[Interviewer] Does Elmo have a last name?

Elmo Monster, naturally.

Elmo Monster, naturally.

[Interviewer] Does Elmo have a tail?

Well, Elmo hopes not.


Elmo never thought about that before.

[Interviewer] Does Elmo have parents?

Yeah, Elmo has a mommy and a daddy.

Hi Mommy! Hi Daddy!


Who this person holding card?

Why we not see your face?

Is Cookie Monster still at Sesame Street?

Is Cookie Monster still at Sesame Street?

Me got the rent control department.

Me not going anywhere.

Is Cookie Monster going away?

Like vacation?

Cookie Monster's,

is Cookie Monster's real name Sid?

Actually it is.

Me real name Sid Monster.

Me intrigued by this person.

Is Cookie Monster the Ve--

Here we go again with the Veggie Monster!

What me have to say in this world

What me have to say in this world

to convince people that me Cookie Monster?

What me have,

lady, what me have to do?

What is Cookie Monster's real name?

What is Cookie Monster's real name?

We just got it said.

Well, I want you to know

that I really enjoyed working with you.

This has been really wonderful

and I hope that someday people will get to see your face.

You want to come to Sesame Street?

Come on, let's go!

♫ Dum dee dum dum dum

You got Google Maps?

Starring: Elmo, Big Bird, Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster, Grover, Abby Cadabby, Oscar the Grouch, Rosita

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