Giving Thanks for TV Shows That End Before Their Time
Released on 11/27/2013
Good morrow to thee citizens.
It's a time of year when Americans count our blessings
and give thanks.
And I'm thankful for so many things.
Capaldi is the new Doctor.
There's going to be another Evil Dead movie
with Bruce Campbell.
And a new Game of Thrones book is coming out someday,
And I'll just come right out and say it,
I'm glad that Futurama got cancelled,
(Futurama theme)
That's right, I said it.
I was a super fan.
Watched every episode repeatedly,
Deciphered the alien languages,
both of them,
teared up whenever I heard the name Seymour.
But I'm glad it's now going off the air.
See the last few episodes
were fantastic.
A second cancellation means it goes out on a high note.
It won't suffer a slow decline,
like the Simpsons,
which should have remembered to file
a Do Not Resuscitate order with the doctors
before going to the hospital.
I for one believe that we in the Geek American Community
should be more inclined to celebrate
when a show ends before it's time.
See, ever since B Joe Trimble
spearheaded a letter writing campaign
to save the original Star Trek,
nerds have been known for their grassroots campaigns
to rescue shows on the verge of cancellation.
If not for B Joe,
there'd be no Tholian Web.
That Captain Kirk is no longer alive.
No All Our Yesterdays.
No Enterprise incident.
I instinctively used the Vulcan death grip.
But there'd also be no Spock's brain.
Come on bones, what's the mystery.
His brain is gone.
What have you done with Spock's brain
And that's my point.
Oft times, less is more.
My favorite series is the Prisoner,
which called it quits after a scant 17 episodes.
Do, do, do, do, do, do,
oh, buggie buggie.
The super secret agent.
What is he doing?
Oh, he's resigning, but why?
Only he knows.
But during that brief run,
it managed to explore every angle of it's premise.
Dream episode, evil twin episode,
body swapping episode,
spy spoof episode,
even a wild west episode
before wrapping everything up
with a satisfyingly trippy ending.
Maybe it's a good thing that Firefly came to an end
after one skimpy season.
What if subsequent seasons diminished our good feelings
about the show.
Like ugh,
like Heroes.
See I'd prefer two seasons of Twin Peaks,
with an agonizing lack of closure
to how ever many seasons of Lost
there were before,
before the dark times.
Which is why I'm starting a letter writing campaign
to get NBC to cancel Community again.
Who's with me?
Come on, you'll be thankful next year.
Ugh, stop it, not the face.
Search your heart,
you know it to be true.
What much loved show would you like to see get the ax?
Let me know in the comments.
Starring: Chris Baker
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