Why the New Godzilla Movie Won’t Suck
Released on 05/16/2014
(light, soothing music)
Look out.
Over there.
It's the 1998 American Godzilla movie.
Aw, the screenplay, it's terrifyingly bad.
Oh, I cannot bear to watch it lay waste
to my favorite film franchise.
Oh, curse you, director Roland Emmerich.
Wait, what is this?
Another American adaptation of Godzilla approaches?
Can this new film atone for the devastation
that has come before or will it too reduce
the skyline of my heart to rubble?
The makers of the new Godzilla film
are taking great pains to telegraph
to nerds that they have deep reverence
for kaiju cinema.
If you alienate the nerds, how will you ever get
normal people to watch your giant monster movie?
Pacific Rim did a great job of this,
priming the pump before release with
fake news footage, fake commercials
for black market kaiju organ dealers.
Look for the kaiju symbol at
your local black market today.
Even blueprints of the giant botsit Battle the Kaiju.
Virality factor, eleventy hundred.
The new Godzilla flick did an elaborate
installation at Comic Con that simulated
a kaiju attack on a Japanese city,
and it featured iconic props from the original film.
The new trailer seems to say that this movie
won't completely junk the classic character
design like the 1998 version did.
Argh, let us never speak of it again.
The new one even has those classic serrated fins,
but the best part of the new movie is the roar.
The filmmakers uploaded their new version
to Soundcloud so we could savor how it honored
the spirit of the original.
Just listen and compare.
The classic, and now the new version.
excuse me.
My ringtone now.
Mom, I will call you back.
Most importantly, the buildup for this new film
suggests that its makers realize that the original
Godzilla wasn't supposed to be campy.
Their monster was a man in a rubber suit
because they had very little money,
not because they wanted the audience to chuckle.
The 1954 film was intended to be a harrowing
experience that summoned up memories of the
all-too-real death and devastation of World War II.
Truly, the Godzilla films teach us that the most
horrible and destructive monster of them all
is Mecha-King Ghidorah, the three headed
cyborg space dragon.
I dare you to disagree.
What's your favorite Godzilla villain,
besides Roland Emmerich?
Let me know in the comments, and subscribe
to The Wired channel.
(quiet symphony music)
Starring: Chris Baker
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