Chris Baker Responds to YouTubers About Kick-Ass 2 and the Real-Life Superheroes Trend
Released on 12/09/2013
Hi there. Just wanted to respond to some of the comments
on my latest rant about Kick-Ass 2
and all this crop of movies with the real
life people who become cosplay vigilantes
and why this trend is pernicious.
First of all, I wanna call out
everyone who wrote in to compliment me
on how awesome I look in a luchador mask.
I'd like to, but none of you did.
AwesomeSause30 writes, Thank God
someone came out and said
that the only movie like that that worked
was Mystery Men. Well thank you AwesomeSause30
but let's be honest. Mystery Men worked about half the time.
Sameo15TheDragonTamer writes, The point of these movies
is that everyday normal people who
don't have powers or money or dramatic backstories
can be awesome too. Well of course they do.
But in real life, if real people
are committing real heroic acts,
They're gonna be wearing civilian clothes
or if they're wearing special costumes,
it's gonna be like a fireman's uniform or
surgical scrubs or suspenders with a lot of flair.
I mean, how do those waiters get orders right
with tables of like 15 people? It's amazing.
Can2ej6 and Asclepius Piranha point out
that Batman doesn't have any special
abilities but he's a real superhero.
Well that's comic book reality.
I'm talking about the real world.
In the real world, no billionaire
has a military intelligence-gathering equipment
and vehicles and personal weapons
that will put the Pentagon to shame.
Except, I don't know, Donald Trump.
BlancOtaku writes, Damn, Rey Mysterio put on weight.
How's he supposed to do a Fankensteiner now?
Okay, I get that reference and it's not complimentary.
Let me tell you, I am a menace in the ring.
My tag-team partner is gravity and between the two of us,
We'll do a number on you. Rodney McKay writes,
I disagree. There is one man with superpowers.
Ben Affleck. With his powers of persuasion,
he convinced WB execs to cast him as you know who.
Sick burn. But, Affleck was the bomb in Daredevil.
Or no wait, Daredevil was the bomb.
Or no, Daredevil was a bomb. Ben Affleck was in Daredevil
and it was a bomb. That's what I meant.
Thanks for watching. Keep on commenting
and subscribe to the Wire channel.
So you don't miss my full-length rant
On the casting of Ben Affleck as Batman.
There's a lot of stuff I'm angry about.
What's getting under your skin?
Make a video and let me know. Everyone's
got an angry nerd in them.
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