The Unraveling of Secret Societies in Pop Cultural References
Released on 11/14/2013
(piano jingle)
(kettle whistling)
Open your eyes, sheeple.
Dark forces are at work behind the scenes.
Puppet masters pulling the strings
and controlling everything you see and hear.
No, not the next Templar, the robes, and crucians.
I mean the hacks who keep using secret societies
as short hand for evil in their pop cultural products.
Dan Brown's latest book, Inferno, has the concercion,
Jay-Z and Drake name check the Illuminati
and Rick Ross rhymes about Freemasons
and the Templars show yet again
in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.
All of these secret societies seem to fail
at their central mission, being secret.
Story tellers are deploying
secret societies far too casually.
They've turned it paint by numbers super villains
with a dash of X Files and a pinch of Alex Jones
but what bothers me more than the laziness is the fact
that these leeches power from actual conspiracy theories,
our most vital and powerful form of modern day folk art.
Don't believe me?
Search YouTube for Illuminati.
So that's who forced Tupac Shakur and Paul McCartney
to fake their own deaths, live and learn.
Live and learn.
Look, you can make great art about secret societies
but only if you make it about the paranoia itself
like Eco did with Foucault's Pendulum
or Steve Jackson did with his Illuminati card game
or Philip K. Dick did with everything.
With everything he ever did, ever.
People who record rants about how the pyramid
on the dollar bill proves that the trilateral commission
controls Major League Baseball are a national treasure.
The movie National Treasure is not an actual treasure.
(low tone chord)
What's your favorite conspiracy theory?
Let me and the NSA know in the comments.
(playful music)
Starring: Chris Baker
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