Chris Baker Responds To YouTubers About Wolverine's Origin Story
Released on 06/27/2013
(piano jingle)
(kettle whistling)
A lot of you watch my cogent well argued attack
on Wolverine's claws and you said, lighten up man,
you're taking it too seriously, it's just a comic book.
Shame on you.
You need to ask a little bit more of your entertainment.
You need to ask for scientific accuracy.
Ben Frazer writes, you tried to use the logical argument
in a universe where there are Russians made of metal,
blue demon carnival freaks, and a girl
that sucks out your soul.
Those make perfect sense compare to bone claws.
Jason Phillips writes, bones could grow,
its called evolution.
Do you read or go to school?
Well I go to brush up on my Stephen J. Gould
but I don't think evolution accounts for man
sprouting bone claws from his arm.
I'll go back and double check that
but that doesn't sound like good science to me.
That doesn't sound like good science fiction to me.
A lot of your wrote in to note that they're actually is
a species that breaks it bone in sixth amount of its body,
the hairy frog, however, go back and look at my video.
I mention mammal specifically.
Wolverine's a mammal, no mammal has non-keratin claws
and besides, if the Marvel people knew about this creature,
why do they call him Wolverine?
Why didn't call him Hairy Frog?
Now in my video, I invited you all to join
the Angry Nerd army and welcome aboard
everyone who enlisted.
I especially want to welcome Mikhail Castsenko who writes,
is there a KGB division in the ANA?
No, there is no secret police division
in the Angry Nerd Army, absolutely not.
Thanks for watching, keep commenting, and record
response videos to me if you don't like what you hear me say
or if you just want to tell me how right I am.
There's a lot of stuff I'm angry about.
(classical music)
What's getting under your skin?
Make a video and let me know.
Everyone's got an angry nerd in them.
Starring: Chris Baker
Series Trailer
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