San Diego Comic Con 2013: Bronies
Released on 07/21/2013
(piano jingle)
(steam whistling)
Thanks for all your comments on YouTube.
I read them all and I still insist
that Aquaman is the best superhero ever.
Nothing you say can dissuade me.
Lately there's been a groundswell of comments
demanding that I rant about bronies, grown men
who love the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon
even though they're well outside
of the target demographic of prepubescent girls.
Oh, you want me to rant about bronies?
Well guess what, I refuse.
I never seen the cartoon myself but I just don't understand
this hatred and vitriol that's heaped on bronies.
What, you hate them because they enjoy a kiddie franchise
that's a transparent device for selling Hasbro toys?
Well if you feel that way and you're also a fan
of Transformers, or Star Wars, or Naruto, then guess what?
You are a hypocrite.
Those are absolutely kiddie franchises too
and they absolutely exists to sell you
toys and tie in merchandise.
Comic books, come on.
Men in brightly colored underoos punching each other,
kiddie, kiddie, kiddie.
Besides, we are in a new golden age
of kid friendly entertainment.
Any adult who can acknowledge how clever and innovative
Toy Story movies and Mario games and Harry Potter books
are is just hurting themselves.
Also, I hear this My Little Pony Show was created
by Lauren Faust who worked on Powerpuff Girls
and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, both witty,
gorgeously animated kiddie shows that adults can also enjoy.
So let's hear it for the bronies.
(hands clapping)
Am I gonna watch this show?
Oh god, no.
I'm a grown man, why would I do that?
(low key chord)
Where do you stand on bronies?
Let me know in the comments
and subscribe to the Wired channel.
Starring: Chris Baker
Series Trailer
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San Diego Comic Con 2013: Bronies
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