Zynga's Shameful Digital to Board Game Switch
Released on 07/11/2013
(train whistle)
I have a problem with Zynga.
The social game publisher is doing something
that is positively insidious, and I don't mean
creating interactive time syncs so addictive
that they could have been designed by an evil
behavioralist mastermind bent on enslaving humanity!
My problem with Zynga is...
Excuse me, I need to harvest some corn.
My issue with Zynga is the way they've turned
their digital games into analogue table-top games.
Inappropriate genre crossing!
First they released a FarmVille branded version
of Hungry Hungry Hippos, called Hungry Hungry Herd.
They replaced the hippos with farm animals, but hey,
at least Hungry Hungry Herd is honest.
It's a new brand slapped on top of a familiar game,
not unlike Halo Risk or Star Wars Operation.
It's crass, but in a familiar, almost comforting
sort of way, but now Zynga has criss-crossed between
the physical world and the digital world in ways
that tie reality into a Gordian knot.
It's turned it's digital games Words With Friends
and Draw Something into board games.
Board games!
Do I have to spell out why this threatens to tear
a hole in the space/time continuum?
It's clear as day that Words With Friends owes
a huge debt to Scrabble
and Draw Something shares a suspicious number
of features with Pictionary.
So follow along with me here.
We have two classic board games, reverse engineered
to become video games, and now these left-handed copies
are being transformed back into new board games.
I think if you touch a Scrabble tile to
a Words With Friends tile, it opens a portal
into a parallel universe.
But it's the shamelessness that really gets me.
Like no one's going to notice that this new board game
seems a little bit familiar.
Hey Zynga, I had a brainstorm!
Why don't you take your popular Facebook game Texas Hold'em
and turn it into a real world card game.
I'm thinking a collection of 52 pieces of cardboard
divided into four suits, say 15 denominations,
players assemble special groupings to win.
Oh and why not sell some Zynga poker chips too.
I know how much you love pedaling virtual currencies.
What's the longest single stretch you've played
a Zynga game for?
I need to know right now, in the comments.
Go there, and subscribe to the Wired channel,
if you haven't already.
Starring: Chris Baker
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