Trivia Death Match: Angry Nerd vs. Giant Robot Mech
Released on 08/09/2013
(train whistle)
I'm gonna test your robotic power to the utmost
with a trivia quiz.
A trivia test to the death?
Well, let's play that by ear.
Okay sure, but it's to the death.
Nah, question one: Karel Capek's 1921 play, R.U.R.,
introduced the term robot.
What does R.U.R. stand for?
Robots. Robots Unlimited...
No, time's up. Time's up.
It's Rossum's Universal Robots.
I should know that.
Yeah, you really should know that.
You should be very embarrassed right now.
I'm gonna give you partial credit on that one.
Question two: Who was the first human
to be killed by a robot and when did it happen?
Is it that guy in 2001: A Space Odyssey?
No I need a real person, who was the first real person
to be killed by a robot?
Uhh... Time's up.
Robert Williams, an assembly line worker at a Ford plant
in Flat Rock, Michigan was struck in the head
by a giant robotic arm and killed in 1979.
Are you giggling?
You think that's funny?
I was just thinking about insurance.
You need witnesses.
Okay next question, next question.
Who was the actress who played
the robot Maria in Metropolis?
Oh that tall girl, Brigitte Nielsen.
No it was Brigitte Helm, wrong.
I should get partial credit.
No you don't get partial credit for that.
Brigitte Nielsen dated Flavor Flav.
And Sylvester Stallone?
And Sylvester Stallone, okay.
Who would win in a fight: Voltron or Optimus Prime?
Is it a cage match?
No, street fight.
Optimus Prime. Wrong!
Voltron combines the powers of five different robots.
That is completely subjective.
No, it's a fact.
How would you know?
Have you ever combined with another robot?
Well there was that time in Vegas.
Oh that's terrible.
Have you seen my microphones?
Oh, put that away.
It tells the whole story, my friend.
Shame on you!
Moving on, final question:
What is the best song to do the robot dance to?
Rockit, by Herbie Hancock. Correct.
In three, two, one.
(digital music)
Nope, I win.
My screws were a bag of flesh and bones.
Good contest. Good one.
Don't forget to blow it up.
Now I blow you up.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Just kidding, but next time it is to the death.
Next time.
Starring: Chris Baker
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