Series Trailer
Released on 05/08/2013
Pixar has, officially, sold out.
(epic orchestral music)
What's next, Wall-E on ice?
(epic orchestral music)
Can someone, please, send this
900 year old Gallifreyan to an
interstellar DeVry Institute where he can
relearn the fundamentals of galaxy saving?
(epic orchestral music)
A skimpy, 169 minutes of running time
devoted to the entire first six chapters
of the book?
The trims are unforgivable.
(epic orchestral music)
Kirk and Sulu fighting on a sky platform,
and falling hundreds of miles to the
planet's surface?
Come on!
(epic orchestral music)
I will only see Star Trek: Into Darkness once,
during it's theatrical run, at full price.
I mean, I'll go see it again at a matinee,
but I won't pay full price more than once.
(soft orchestral music)
Subscribe to the Wired channel,
and never miss one of my rants.
Your move, Jackson!
(soft orchestral music)
Starring: Chris Baker
Series Trailer
Old Trek, New Trek
Can Star Trek Into Darkness Be Any Good?
What Roland Emmerich Can Learn From Superman II
Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey-An Analysis
Can Michael Shannon Trump Terrence Stamp's General Zod?
Doctor Who's Regeneration
Marvel's Interpretation of Wolverine's Origin Story
Chris Baker Responds To YouTubers And Defends His View on Doctor Who
Chris Baker Responds To YouTubers About Wolverine's Origin Story
Despicable Me Super Villain Conspiracy Theory
Zynga's Shameful Digital to Board Game Switch
San Diego Comic Con 2013: Cosplay Weapons Check
San Diego Comic Con 2013: White House Geek Memo
San Diego Comic Con 2013: Chris Baker vs. Godzilla
San Diego Comic Con 2013: Bronies
Chris Baker Defends His Disapproval of Zynga Board Games
Pixar Sells Out With Crappy Sequels
Chris Baker Responds To YouTubers About Despicable Me Super Villain Conspiracy Theory
Trivia Death Match: Angry Nerd vs. Giant Robot Mech
Depicting Computer Graphics
Kick-Ass 2 and Real-Life Superheroes in Films
The Apocalypse