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    Series Trailer

    A lot of nerds work at Wired, but one of them is very, very angry. Passionate nerd Chris Baker rages from behind his desk against the things in geek culture that just plain don’t make sense.

    Released on 05/08/2013


    Pixar has, officially, sold out.

    (epic orchestral music)

    What's next, Wall-E on ice?

    (epic orchestral music)

    Can someone, please, send this

    900 year old Gallifreyan to an

    interstellar DeVry Institute where he can

    relearn the fundamentals of galaxy saving?

    (epic orchestral music)

    A skimpy, 169 minutes of running time

    devoted to the entire first six chapters

    of the book?

    The trims are unforgivable.

    (epic orchestral music)

    Kirk and Sulu fighting on a sky platform,

    and falling hundreds of miles to the

    planet's surface?

    Come on!

    (epic orchestral music)

    I will only see Star Trek: Into Darkness once,

    during it's theatrical run, at full price.

    I mean, I'll go see it again at a matinee,

    but I won't pay full price more than once.

    (soft orchestral music)

    Subscribe to the Wired channel,

    and never miss one of my rants.

    Your move, Jackson!

    (soft orchestral music)

    Starring: Chris Baker
