Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey-An Analysis
Released on 05/30/2013
(slow paced jingle)
(train horn)
I've had a chance to watch
The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey
a few more times since it was released on DVD.
I have two major complaints.
First, the dwarves and Bilbo are clearly not
riding ponies.
Give him a pony.
Those are full grown horses wrapped in shag carpet.
Second, I think we can all agree that the pacing
of the film is way off.
It is far, far, too short.
A skimpy 169 minutes of running time
is devoted to the entire first six chapters
of the book?
Peter Jackson totally skipped the scene
where Bilbo meets the dwarves at the Green Dragon Inn
in Bywater.
The parties' sojourn in Rivendell?
Drastically short.
The dwarves, they've gone.
The trims are unforgivable.
Now, granted, this adaptation is more leisurely
than the grotesquely truncated Lord of the Rings films,
which had the nerve to devote less than a minute
of screen time to each page of the book.
But still, unforgivable.
If Peter Jackson is already in pre-production
on The Silmarillion, like I assume,
I expect him to get it right and make it
3000 to 4000 hours long.
Your move, Jackson.
There's a lot of stuff I'm angry about.
What's getting under your skin?
Make a video and let me know.
Everyone's got an angry nerd in them.
Starring: Chris Baker
Series Trailer
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