Doctor Who's Regeneration
Released on 06/05/2013
(keyboard clicking loudly)
(steam whistle)
Doctor Who?
I'm the Doctor.
No, seriously, doctor who?
I can't recognize the protagonist
of the BBC's venerable science fiction series anymore.
And it's not because he does battle
with high-def CG aliens instead of pixelated purple clouds,
like he did in the show's 1970's heyday.
It's because the latest version of the character only seems
to hold a doctorate in retrosexual fashion wear,
and empathic encounter sessions.
Doctor Who is supposed to be a cosmic Mr. Fix-It,
crisscrossing time and space to thwart robot overlords,
and disable doomsday devices
with his preternatural engineering skills.
But now he's more of a psychoanalytical shaman,
who helps alien beings unlock their deeper emotional truths.
What happened to the Doctor using his know-how
and ingenuity to overcome adversity?
Look at that.
What could possibly go wrong?
(small crash)
Can someone please send this 900-year-old Gallifreyan
to an interstellar DeVry Institute,
where he can relearn the fundamentals of galaxy saving?
Bow ties are cool.
[Angry Nerd] Scarfs are cooler than bow ties.
(soft classical music)
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for more rants from me, The Angry Nerd.
Starring: Chris Baker
Series Trailer
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