Chris Baker Responds To YouTubers And Defends His View on Doctor Who
Released on 06/18/2013
(whistling train clacking on track)
Hi, I wanted to take a minute
to thank the commenters who agreed with my latest rant
about how the 11th incarnation of Doctor Who
is far too touchy-feely.
As for the rest of you, the other 99.9%
who disagreed with me, I'd like to clarify a few things.
First of all, I was really surprised
by the level of vitriol.
Even concerning how important this topic is.
Darnack Letterbomb writes, If I tried
to describe how much I hate you,
it would be like determining the exact number
of atoms in the entire universe.
Yeah, well you know who could determine
the exact number of atoms in the entire universe?
The fourth or the fifth incarnation of the Doctor.
Because they were a little more together
than this latest version.
Aceginger37 writes, I respected your opinion
at first because you're entitled to it,
but then you had to dis bow ties.
That was a common refrain in the comments.
Litlmonkeybro101 wrote, Bow ties are cooler than scarfs
and so are fezzes.
Look, there's only two classes of people
that can get away with wearing bow ties and scarfs.
One of 'em is 80-year-old Shriners from the Midwest,
the other is 20-year-old hipster dudes from Brooklyn.
900-year-old aliens should know better.
Stargate6126330 wrote, How dare you.
The doctor is different each time he regenerates.
Well, duh.
Look, what bothers me is all the touchy-feely,
huggy-wuggy, timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly stuff
they have going on in these latest episodes.
Rodney McKay writes, If you don't like this version
of Doctor Who, request the BBC
to change his name to Dr. Phil.
Right on, Rodney.
You're my kinda guy.
I command my fanboy minions to lobby the BBC
to do what Rodney said.
Let's change the name of the show to Dr. Phil.
On a totally unrelated note, Awesome McNinja writes,
If he says one thing about bronies...
Oh, don't tempt me Awesome McNinja.
Don't tempt me.
There's a lot of stuff I'm angry about.
What's getting under your skin?
Make a video and let me know.
Everyone's got an angry nerd in them.
Starring: Chris Baker
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