What Roland Emmerich Can Learn From Superman II
Released on 05/22/2013
(thoughtful piano key plunking)
(steam whistle)
As if it weren't bad enough that I was forced to watch
John McClane yippie-ki-humiliate himself in the latest
'Die Hard' flick, now someone let Roland Emmerich
make a 'Die Hard' of the oval office movie.
Mr. Emmerich is a repeat offender with an established M.O.
He's a serial oval office abuser.
He had aliens level the building in 'Independence Day'
and then he let a tidal wave engulf it in '2012'.
(waves crashing and metal smashing)
Now look, even a Washington-hating, gold-bartering
militia member would admit that this is overkill.
If you want to know how a real pro storms our nation's
seat of power, go back and watch
the 1980 film 'Superman II'.
Now the Kryptonian cad, General Zod, splendidly portrayed
by Terence Stamp, keeps it low-key.
(glass breaks)
He drops through a skylight with his super-makeup
and dispatches all armed resistance in a tidy 45 seconds
of hand to hand combat.
(Guard screams)
Next, Zod lightens the mood with a joke.
[Chris Voicing Zod] I see that you are practiced
in worshipping things that can fly.
Then in a moment that's had far greater impact than any
seven-figure ILM explosion, Zod forces
the President of the United States
to prostrate himself on the ground.
Man, when it comes to striking at the heart
of the American spirit, less is more.
Roland Emmerich, kneel before 'Superman II'!
(church organ and choir)
[Chris] Subscribe to the Wired channel
and never miss one of my rants.
(soft, string ensemble music)
What's getting under your skin?
Make a video and let me know.
Everyone's got an angry nerd in them.
Starring: Chris Baker
General Zod artwork courtesy of Steve Oatney
Series Trailer
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