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    Pixar Sells Out With Crappy Sequels

    Angry Nerd used to love Pixar. Then they got lazy, churning out one tired sequel after another. Has this once shining beacon of creativity totally sold out?

    Released on 08/01/2013


    (piano music)

    (train steam engine)

    Pixar has officially sold out.

    At one point, the animation company seemed like

    a beacon of artistic high mindedness,

    and for crying out loud, they had to be talked into doing

    a sequel to Toy Story.

    They understood that sequels and prequels

    can debase a brand, unless they are James Bond movies

    or Lord of the Rings movies or Star Wars sequels

    but not Star Wars prequels.

    But nowadays, Disney is releasing original IP,

    like Tangled and Wreck it Ralph,

    while Pixar's endless sequels and brand extensions

    would put the Frito-Lay Corporation to shame.

    This is exactly how Mike Eisner played Disney.

    Look, Toy Story 3 was all well and good,

    and Cars 2 was, it was no worse than cars,

    but now, there's Monsters University,

    Finding Dory, Planes, made by the same Disney studio

    that brought you straight to video classics, like Mulan 2.

    What's next?

    Monsters Middle School, Before a Bug's Life,

    WALL-E on Ice?

    I don't say this lightly,

    but Pixar's on the verge of becoming

    just another, ugh, DreamWorks.

    What's your favorite fictional Pixar sequel?

    Send me the poster, I'll hang it in my office.

    I could use a little more decoration around here.

    Have you not subscribed to the Wired channel yet?

    Don't make me angrier.

    Starring: Chris Baker

    Photos courtesy of Marcin Wichary and Collider.com
